Smart Solutions

Not all rooftops are equal

Do you want to lower the carbon footprint of your home or business by adding a solar system to your roof but are worried about the return on investment? While you may think factors such as the size of your rooftop, your budget or neighboring trees make it impossible to add solar to your property, these are all challenges that can be overcome with Trina Solar Smart Solutions.

Give your system a ‘smart’ edge

Trinasmart offers all of the functionality of Trinaswitch, while adding module level optimization and capped voltage to allow for longer strings. Trinasmart’s uses revolutionary impedance matching and Predictive IV technologies to optimize the performance of each module. This maximizes the energy produced by your solar PV system, while allowing for design into shade and at different roof orientations. Trinasmart’s smart curve technology allows for up to 30% longer strings, reducing BOS costs. Trina also offers free real time monitoring so you always know how your system is performing. Learn more

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